Thursday 8 August 2013

Sharepoint-Reading Constants from List as Key & Value pair

How to call:-
if (constantHashTable == null)
constantHashTable = CommonMethods.GetKeyElementValues(); }
public static Hashtable GetKeyElementValues()
Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable();
SPList constantList;
constantList = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists.TryGetList("AC_BVConstants");
if (constantList != null) {
SPListItemCollection listIemCollection = constantList.GetItems();
if (listIemCollection != null)
if (listIemCollection.Count > 0) {
foreach (SPListItem spLstItem in listIemCollection)
hashTable.Add(spLstItem["Key"], spLstItem["Value"]);
} }
} }
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return hashTable;
How to use
Convert.ToString(constantHashTable["Msg_NoData"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

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